
Working Together

Coaching with Natalie provides a mirror & thought partner for the challenges you face in both career and life. She guides you in understanding your personal values, defining goals, and expanding the vision for your life.

It is a balance of
Reflection + Action.

Support for Your Needs

If you feel like you’re treading water, struggling to move forward or unlock that next step, coaching with Natalie provides the support to shift you into gear. Some topics of discussion might include:

  • Gain clarity on your purpose and values, both professional and personal

  • Think more strategically and set intentional goals, then get into aligned action

  • Manage your teams with emotional intelligence

  • Support a career transition with authentic networking, aligned job searches, interview preparation and negotiating with confidence

  • Communicate more effectively with your business partner or team members

  • Setting and holding boundaries

  • Navigating corporate environments as an introverted leader

  • Managing up, down, and across effectively

Before & After

Client Struggle:

Difficulty with managing a low performing team because of conflict-avoidant communication style. Experiencing anxiety and stress before 1-on-1’s with directs and KPI reviews.

Coaching Result:

Mindset shift that clear communication is aligned with personal values. Practice & implement new style of feedback that is direct and timely. Expectations reset, trust rebuilt, and team back on track.

Client Struggle:

Introverted leader struggling to be seen by senior leadership team and repeatedly overlooked for promotion.

Coaching Result:

Through exploratory leadership exercises, found authentic voice and gained confidence to speak out and manage up effectively. Became an advocate for self while also building stronger relationships, leading to a promotion.

Client Struggle:

Business growth has plateaued because Entrepreneur is too busy working in the business, not on the business.

Coaching Result:

Established boundaries around role, created clear systems to streamline workflow, and empowered team to balance workload.

Types of Coaching

  • Individual

    Working 1-on-1, we develop a personalized coaching program to define your personal values and goals, clarify your strategy, and get you into action. Accountability keeps you on track and riding your growth edge.

  • Partner

    A blend of individual and group coaching, we identify and diagnosis areas for growth, create systems of support, and fine tune communication among the partners. Vision, mission, and values are co-created, along with a strategy plan.

  • Mentor

    For coaches working towards ICF accreditation, Natalie offers mentor supervision that supports your holistic growth as a coach. We fine tune skills, build confidence, and discuss business strategy, along with sharing expert experience.

What Clients Say

With Natalie’s help, I was able to mentally prepare for a big career transition as well as create and execute a tactical plan. Hiring Natalie was the best personal investment I made for my career.
— Erika, Fin Tech
In six months working with Natalie, I was able to accomplish some long-procrastinated career goals and gain new tools to help me succeed. Even more importantly, she guided me in changing my thinking, opening my mind to bigger possibilities for the future.
— Laura, Tech
Natalie changed the way I view myself and my own work, as well as my entire interview process. I feel so much more prepared moving forward than I did at any other point.
— Jordan, Design
Natalie has a wonderful way of listening and mirroring back that allows me to see myself clearly. I appreciate the way she structures sessions, her direct communication style, and personalized challenges that support my growth. Natalie is excellent at listening to who I am, how I think and learn, and tailoring the coaching experience to meet me where I am.
— Cara, Artist